Wednesday 28 May 2014

What Have I Been Up To

The last few weeks have been truly amazing, so I thought I would share these experiences with you guys.

Firstly (and most importantly) I headed to Wales with my beautiful cheer and dance team for CheerSport Wales.

We had an absolutely stressful brilliant day.

And we came home with so many trophies <3

18 trophies to be precise. Making our trophy count for the year a grand total of 23, the best the team has achieved before. So obviously I'm super proud of all of them.

However this competition marked the end of my time as President of the team :(

The day after our competition was our awards meal, where everyone eats, drinks and has a jolly good time, and the committee give out awards in different categories. I even managed to bag myself one...

Yes I did forget to bring my cheer uniform to a cheer competition, because I am a dumb ass. Other than this, I only managed to take two photos of the whole night (Oops) but thankfully plenty of other people took photos. It was such a good night, and many tears were shed.

The next day I traveled back home to see my family and friends, and I returned with this...

I am so in love with this tattoo, or at least I will be once it has healed and isn't in that annoying itchy gross stage. Anyone in the Stoke area should definitely check out BugPin tattoos, they are awesome.

Finally, I changed my hair again, slightly more drastic than last time...

I couldn't get a decent picture of the colour, but it's super bright purple and I love it so much.

What have you been up to lately? Let me know if you would like to see a tattoo post or a cheer bow collection :)


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